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Energy labelling
Transparent refrigeration
Making electrical equipment more efficient helps control growth in demand for electrical energy. In this sense, the Energy Labelling Regulation (2019/2018) represents not only a tool for control but also a precious new opportunity for equipment manufacturers to confirm their commitment to maximizing transparency and optimizing performance.
Along with the Ecodesign Regulation (2019/2024), the Energy Labelling Regulation for refrigeration equipment with a direct sales function appeared in the European Union’s Official Journal on the 5th December 2019 and comes into effect on the 1st March 2021.
The Energy Labelling Regulation (2019/2018) establishes rules for the correct communication of energy efficiency for all commercial refrigeration cabinets (with only a few exceptions). Energy labels place refrigerated cabinets in classes from A to G on the basis of their energy efficiency, and also provide information on their environmental impact.
The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of energy consumption by favouring and promoting the sale of products that are more efficient and use less energy, and by ensuring that the market evolves in line with the European Union’s sustainability objectives.
Energy efficiency classes are expressed by means of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) values. The lower the EEI value, the greater the energy efficiency and the lower the energy consumption. Class A represents the most efficient; class G the least efficient.
>> For the first few years, classes A and B will be virtually empty, since they refer to the ideal efficiencies that must be aimed for but are not yet available on the market. The capacity for innovation of companies like Arneg will naturally lead to the development of better and better products which will eventually fill these first two classes.

Manufacturers are under obligation to provide all products placed on the market with a printed label complying, as regards format and information, with statutory requirements. They must also make available a product file with the relative technical data for all appliances and, if requested by supervisory authorities, supply full technical documentation which must also conform to statutory requirements.
Distributors are obliged to apply the labels provided by manufacturer to all appliances wherever equipment is displayed and sold, including in exhibitions.
All labels include a QR code that links to the product’s technical data sheet which contains all mandatory information on the product. This information is held in a single European database designated EPREL, which supervisory authorities can access to verify product conformity.
Customers can also access the complete label and the product data sheet through the EPREL website or by requesting a printed copy.